Decorating Resolution

The beginning of a new year can get you inspired to make changes or to do things differently. Make a resolution to determine your own personal decorating style! Don’t just buy items impulsively and fit them in somewhere. Streamline your decorating process to create a well designed home.

□ Pick a room or area of your home that you would like to redo.

□ Look for inspirational pictures. The internet, magazines, home decorating shows and books are the best resources for this. Note favorite paintings and works of art. Consider the homes of friends, relatives and colleagues that appeal to you. You may already have something-furniture, a painting, a sculpture etc. that you can use as the centerpiece of your redesign.

□ Cutout, earmark, bookmark and print your chosen pictures and assemble into one area. I have kept a binder with sheet protectors for years and add to it as I find pictures and ideas that I like.

□ Next, go through your pictures looking for common elements and threads. Note colors, textures, styles, etc. Make a list of the similarities that are most often repeated.

□ Look around your home for items that fit into your plan. Consider refinishing furniture you already have. Often, furniture from one room can be used much more efficiently in another.

□ Add a list of items, measurements, swatches, etc. to a small notebook and carry this with you. When you come across something that fits into your plan, pull out your notebook verifying measurements etc. and then make your purchase. You never know when you might run into a great sale or deal that is too good to pass up.

(Checklist Source:

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