Fashion Forward

Let's look to the future! We love designer Ryan Korbin's Tricks of the Trade...

"Over-mix time periods. It will lead to another time period that has never existed before. I never want to be able to put my finger on a period in a space; I’d rather feel as though I’m experiencing something for the first time."

"Use exotics. Whether they are real or faux, they add such an element of over the top luxury and create a raw aesthetic that feels priceless."

"Make a sexy space. Use satin fabrics, dark floors, dimmers and candle light- nobody wants a grandma vibe anymore. Sexy interiors equate sophisticated interiors for this generation."

"Scent and color are key. You can create an alluring environment with a box if the scent and color are right. Paint a room in Farrow and Ball’s Pavilion Gray and use an amber scent- already you’ve created a desirable environment."
-Ryan Korbin for Lonny Magazine

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