Wipe Out Water Rings

Trick of the Trade: MAYO?

"I'll put a coaster under anything, but the rest of my household (and the occasional guest) has yet to jump on the bandwagon — leaving the inevitable ring on my coffee and side tables. It's a battle I've chosen not to fight because of one thing alone: mayonnaise. If it weren't for good old-fashioned full-fat mayo, my furniture would be littered with the hideous water spots that result from the wood getting wet. Got rings on your goods? Simply slather on enough of the white stuff to cover the affected area and let sit for at least six hours. Then wipe off and clean up with your regular furniture polish, and voilà, no more stain. The newer the mark the better, but I've also used the trick on a flea market find with nearly perfect results. Try it out the next time you're sweating over sweaty drinks!" (casasugar)

(Source: http://tinyurl.com/yfjtoq9) (Photo Credit: Jupiter Images)

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