Classy Trends + Trendy Classics

"In our world, the world of what’s the neatest and newest, we may not realize that some of the hippest “it” items in our cultures have actually been “in” for generations, even centuries in some cases, and are, in fact, also classic styles. We have selected a few pretty solid classics, in our book, that also happen to be smokin’ hot today, right this minute."

Animal Print is Here to Stay
"Various animal prints have been making a roar ever since we can remember. As a matter of fact, they may very well have been around at the inception of interior design. Animal print décor has a permanent spot in Interior Design. And how hot is it today? It’s on fire! And you can throw it in with almost anything. From duvets to chairs these patterns can fit into a variety of spaces needing a little interior oomph."

Soft & Touchable Fabrics of our Being
"No matter the genre or era, you’re going to find at least one or two soft, yummy fabrics in the design repertoire. In the sixteenth century, we were influenced by the French’s flair for rich, luxurious textures such as velvet and satin. By the eighteenth century in Europe, homes were filled with locally produced fabrics such as silk and delicate wools. Today? You guessed it… these comforting and eye-pleasing surfaces have a place in almost every trendy dwelling."

Ikat or I Don’t Cat?
(Elle Decor)
"We think it’s pretty cool when a weave that’s been produced in all areas of the world since the fifteenth century emerges as a ubiquitous trend in our industry. Pronounced i-cat, and originating in India and South-East Asia, these gorgeous patterns were classic before we were even assigning the word “classic” to textiles. And now, they’re being featured in hippest interior design blogs and publications."

Black & White, You Got That Right!
(Marie Burgos)
"If basic black and white ever go out of style, we’ll eat our measuring tapes! We are this confident that the stability of this timeless classic will sustain the test of time. We think human beings may just be hard-wired to be drawn to the duo. Black meets white is the ultimate palette contrast and can be sharp, elegant, sexy, subtle, clean, funky, understated and over the top. As of late, we have noticed a plethora of black and white as additions to a myriad of interior concepts. As a matter of fact, we’re not sure we have ever seen this color composite be so dynamic."

Stainless Stays

"And that’s our final answer. Just as you can safely keep that little black dress in your closet, you can bet your stainless steel accents will endure. The most traditional, as well as the most chic, interiors today will contain stainless steel. Almost certainly in the kitchen, and probably elsewhere, you’ll find yourself hard-pressed to locate an abode without this element."

(Article Source:

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